Aug 5, 2015

40. Tongue Twisters - Tall tipper

Tall tipper tripped on a tiny tipped tripped on a ticked tour

(Try to say three times fast)

Aug 4, 2015

39. I want to go there

I wanna go there
Wanna go there
Wanna go there
Here and there

Something in there

I can feel it burn now woh

Find out what you want now woh
Cuz it’s about to burn now woh
It’s the end of everything

by Harini, Grade III

Aug 3, 2015

38. On my way to Kalamazoo

On my way to Kalamazoo
I saw a bear
Who carried a hare!
I was frightened,
I was scared
At that bear who carried a hare
So I ran off to Kalamazoo
But, any-who I wanted to go there too

by Harini, Grade III

Aug 2, 2015

37. My Monster

My monster has two red eyes
Its nose can smell for miles
Its tongue is as long as one billion skyscrapers,
Don’t worry,
Don’t be afraid
The scary monster isn’t real unless…
You think about it!

Aug 1, 2015

36. The swimming contest

One day three friends decided to enter the swimming contest. They told themselves that there is nothing to be worried about and they should keep believing themselves.

They also told their parents and they were so pleased that they immediately emptied their pockets! Their parents gave each of them plenty of money to buy anything from the store. After they shopped, they went to join the contest. They included themselves in the contest. No problem occurred until they discovered that the water was freezing cold! Actually, they were straying into the wrong pool and finally reached the right pool.

After they got to the right pool the adults started supplying the items needed. The adults started to be angry because they did not have enough supplies. Then a strangest thing happened and one of the girls spotted that some of the supplies fell into the pool and that it was the funniest thing.

The three girls jumped into the pool and got the supplies! They said it was the easiest contest and that the supplies were lighter and not heavier in the water to lift. They also earned a trip to Hawaii! The girls had the best day ever!

by Harini, Grade III