Jun 30, 2016

90. Art Theatre program - Day One

Oh boy I was so excited, it was my first day of the Art theater program and I was eager to meet some new friends. Me and my parents took some pamphlets and we went inside the auditorium.

I took a seat next to Leah and it was also her first time. We went ahead and took a look at our lines of the Little Mermaid Show. It wasn’t too long until the director Mike Miele said that we were going to do little warm ups.

We all went on the stage and we played tag and morphing. The games were so fun, but it was time for morning Announcements. They told us that it was time for auditions, so I was in an ensemble. An ensemble means a group of dancers or singer performing together.

After we were done with the auditions we went to the gym to eat lunch. I sat with Leah, Becky and Maddie. After we went done eating, we performed group songs which were very fun.

We went to the cafeteria and we played the game ‘My friend Sammy’. I was called up for the game at least two times. The game was really funny.

         Later we went back to the auditorium and did a dance scene which was that we had to practice the songs and the dance. We practiced the dance scene and it was time for announcements, which is a speech saying how fun they had and how we did our acting.

          It was time to go home so I said bye to my friends and my parents signed me out and we got in the car and reached home.

By Harini, Grade III

Jun 28, 2016

89. Oh, I was so sleepy

Oh, I was so sleepy; so I took a snack which
was so crunchy

I was dreaming of a ride; which was so bumpy;
The other neighborhood’s children were so merry

The parents in their parenthood;
wished they were in their childhood days

The rainy day was raining on a payment day
and a child got sick and had to get a treatment

The shipment of the new TV was so exciting
that I wanted it to be moved right away;

The movement of the TV was so exciting
That I found a rock and I threw it away

It was so foolish and so selfish as it had hit the
TV and I was unable to see the screen and I screamed

- Harini

88. Soda Bottle Race Car

Title: A Report on How to Build a Soda Bottle Race Car.

Submitted By: Harini, Grade III

Race Car Name: The Panda Race Car

Aim of the project:

   To make a recycled race car to race under its own power.
    To understand simple machine concepts such as “wheel and axle” and “inclined plane” (ramp for testing the race car to race under its own power).
   To understand the concepts of force and motion of moving objects.
    And the knowledge of using recycled materials such as soda bottle, bottle lids, skewers, etc.).

Materials Used:

Body of the Race Car:  Two-liter plastic soda bottle.
Wheels: lids of the Gatorade bottles.
Axle: Wooden skewers used as the axle.
Racer: The Panda to be seated on the body of the race car.
Stickers: To decorate the race car.

Construction Tools Used:

Hot Glue Gun
X-acto knife
Nose Plier

Safety precautions:

With adult (Parent’s) supervision.
Protective gloves while construction

Construction Procedure:

         My race car construction is chiefly classified into two main parts, the body and the “wheel and axle”.

         The body acts as the outer covering of my race car. The wheel and axle acts as the motion for the race car in order to move without any friction.

         First, I found a soda bottle in our kitchen cabinet to use as the body of the race car. I also found the lids of four Gatorade bottles to use as a wheel for the race car.

         Next, my parents helped me to drill four holes on the sides of the race car using the x-acto knife and inserted the axle (wooden skewers) of the race car. Then a square shaped hole is cut on top of the soda bottle to insert the racer “The Panda”.

         Then, my parents helped me to drill holes on the top of the lids of the Gatorade bottles using the x-acto knife to act as wheels. Then we inserted the lids (wheels) to the wooden skewers (the axle) of the race car and the extra length of the wooden skewers are cut using nose pliers.

         Then, using the hot glue gun the wheels and axle are fastened. And 
I decorated the race car. And kept the Panda inside the race car.

         Finally, I tested the race car several times to ensure it runs very smooth and to make sure to fix any kind of mistakes that I have faced during the construction of the car.

Problem Faced:

         During the construction of the race car, we faced alignment issues with the wheel and axle. And by using trial and error method the alignment is brought to near perfection.


         From this science project, I learnt to design and construct a race car to race under its own power using recycled materials. In the near future, I am planning to design and to construct a race car using battery powered motors.

Terminologies Used:

Body: The shell of a car; also called as auto-body. The metal or plastic external structure of a car. For driver, passengers and goods.

Wheels: The wheel and axle is one of six simple machines. a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a car to enable it to move easily over the ground.

Axle:  A rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the center of a wheel

Jun 13, 2016

87. Field Day

I think an annual field day for elementary school is important because we could intermingle with other friends and we will have fun while participating in gratifying games.

           We will find out which activities we are best at or adore the most. We will remember these memories by spending time with our friends and teachers.

         Finally, I think of an annual field day is important for elementary school because it helps to get together for fun events and to have a nice opportunity for students, teachers and other staffs to interact together.

- Harini

Jun 10, 2016

86. A day with dodgeball

                I was playing dodgeball when it was one to one. I got hit in the leg, what a painful sight for painless. There was a terrible sickness going around and I had to be careful.
                It was such a sadness because I just got a disease. I was really glad I wasn’t helpless or even thankless. Lots of kindness going on.
               Everything wasn’t hopeless and everything was possible. In the darkness I went home without fearless and careless. The thickness of the fog was so spotless.

               The goodness smell of my mom’s cooking was so intense. Her voice so softness so quiet. The breathless sound of the beating drums on the television made me the eagerness to watch. Fearfulness is a never a sport.

- Harini