Jul 31, 2017

170. Playwright - Roger Williams

Mary: Father, how are the Native Americans treating you Are you sure that we can trust them?

Roger Williams: Mary, you know the answer to both those questions, but I shall tell you again. The Native Americans are treating me fine and, you know that we can trust them. After all the things that they have done for us, we should be thanking them, not them thanking us!
Mary: Father, I do not mean to be rude but, what have the Native Americans done for us? And again father, I am just asking a simple question in which you must answer!!
Roger Williams: Mary!! Why, the Native Americans have helped us 2 times and I am very pleased! You should be thankful for them, because without them, John Cotton and the others would send me back to England and who knows what would happen to me!
Mary: Father, could you remind me what the 2 things are?
Roger Williams: One, is that the Native Americans have been very kind to take in our family including the other people. Second, they have given us a little place to stay where we can have our own rules. The Native Americans have been very helpful.
Mary:  Father, you have not told me much about your escape and I would very much be pleased to hear it.
Roger Williams: Very well, I shall tell my journey. After I escaped from Massachusetts and walked through the wilderness and after a few days I ran out of food, I knew that I had to find food fast, if I didn’t, I would begin to feel weak. I looked for food supply as the Native Americans have taught me. I slept in the hollow of a tree and after all of the layers, I still almost froze to death. When a Native American hunter woke me up he took me to his place and all of the people took care of me.
Mary: I have not realized that they have done so much. Father, can I see the new land?
Roger Williams: Of course you can Mary! Just wait one second because I promised the Native Americans that I would help them hunt fish.
Native American: Hey, little girl, what is your name?

Mary: Aaaaahhhhh!!!
Native American: Ok, Aaaaahhhhh! Is Roger Williams your father?
Mary: Aaaaahhhhh!!!
Native American: Your father’s name is Aaaaahhhhh!!!
Roger Williams: What are you doing here, she is my daughter. Her name is Mary.
Native American: I thought her name was Aaaaahhhhh! And her father’s name was Aaaaahhhhh!!

Roger Williams: She was screaming at… at….at a butterfly!!

Native American: Well, ok, bye.
Roger Williams: Come on Mary, let me show you the new land.
Mary: Father the new land needs a name, a beautiful name.
Roger Williams: What do you think we should call it?
Mary: We should call it Providence because of God’s Providence that has lead you here.
Roger Williams: Mary, that is the perfect name, Providence.

Jul 30, 2017

169. Fluffy cotton balls

Fluffy cotton balls
Marshmallows scattered high up
Floating shape shifters

Jul 20, 2017

168. Butterflies

Butterfly Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

167. Turtle

Turtle Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

166. Turtle

Turtle Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

165. Lizard

Lizard Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

164. Lizard

Lizard Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

163. Fish

Fish Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

162. Fish

Fish Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

161. Fish

Fish Stamps @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

160. Art - Wicket Basket

Wicket Basket @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

159. Art - Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Tree @ RISD, By Harini, Grade IV

158. Art - Jelly Fish

Jellyfish @ RISD, By Harini

157. Art - Fish

Fish Art - Using Cardboard & Thermocol @ RISD - By Harini, Grade IV

156. Art - Pot

Pot Made using Clay @ RISD - By Harini, Grade IV

Jul 5, 2017

155. Convicted Murder - I

By H A R I N I
It was a day, like any other day, but, that's not what happened. What I am about to tell you is a true story filled with haunts and misery. This is what happened on October 13, 2010. Let’s get on with the story!

I was asleep in bed watching Convicted Murder when I heard a knock at the door. I left the couch to open the door when I caught sight of my visitor, he/she was dressed in black and looked scary! I opened my door and I yelled-

“Dad! You're here! What took you so long!” In case I didn't tell you, my dad’s a lawyer and he has a really scary uniform. I let him in, and he went straight to bed! I sat on the couch when I heard another knock! I opened the door and I saw a scary black hooded figure, and I was certain that it wasn't my dad because he/she was carrying a knife!  I tried to yell, but I felt as though my limbs were limp, I could not move...I...Yawn! (I think that I was sleeping!!)

I woke up hours later in a room. I tried to get up, but, I was tied with a rope. I then knew then, that I was kidnapped!! I shouted for help, and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs!! I quickly stopped screaming when, the door unlocked!!

I saw a black hooded figure, and it told me to stop screaming or else!! the door closed once again, but I heard a small voice that sounded much like my sister Robin! I called “Robin is that you?”  I heard a small yes!! she told me that she was kidnapped when she was six years old, and that she stayed here for 5 years!!

I told her that ever since she disappeared, the police searched for her until…until what she asked. Until we found a note from you that said that you were long gone,  and that your Aunt Verga  took you for a visit, then, we stopped looking. “How old are you?”  “11,” she answered.  “11? I am only 15!! We need to find a way to get out of here!”, I exclaimed. She got up, and began to untie me when I realized that we could escape through the air vents, when I saw a strange-looking sign on the floor it said:

19 3 9 5 14 3 5    2 21 9 12 4 9 14 7

I translated to the English alphabet red science building I knew that we were being used for science experiment I quickly climbed up the air went when I heard a loud noise someone was in the air vent with us!

I quickly rushed through the air vents when I felt that someone grabbed me I shook them off, but they were gaining on me! I realized that I left my sister back there cause she yelled, “You forgot me!” I had two choices, to go back to save my sister, or to go all the way through the vents to my own freedom, and forget my sister!!


Jul 4, 2017

154. Basketball at YMCA

My parents enrolled me at the YMCA for Youth-I, Basketball. I was very excited to see my coach. When I went there, my coaches were Coach Matt and Coach Saye. There were also ten kids along with me for the training.

Usually our training starts with an exercise by doing fifteen jumping-jacks, followed by dribbling the ball in our right hand, then left.

Later, we would line up, so we could shoot hoops. The ball we used to practice, has the circumference of 28.5 inches and the weight of 20 oz, a perfect kids size. We had to squat down, and put our hands up, to show defense. So, when our coaches yelled one-two, we yelled, defense!
Then, we raced with the person next to us. After the exercise, we would play a real basketball game. I was usually on the blue team, by wearing a blue jersey and the opponent wore a red jersey. When I play, I am careful not to double-dribble or throttle, because then, the coaches would stop the game and give the team penalty.

Later, we would continue the game, and we had a timer, which would show that we would have 20 minutes to play. And, when we have 5 seconds, the players would have to hurry because they would want to get a hoop. When the seconds have passed and a team had won, the coaches would grab a basketball and we would put our hands on the ball and shout, “We Love Basketball!!”

We had this routine Basketball Skills and Drills for 6 weeks, on the last day we had the match and my team won!!

The coaches gave us certificates, to show that we have successfully participated in the YMCA basketball training program. My parents congratulated me and signed me up for the youth II program, and I hope it will be as fun as the youth I!!

Jul 3, 2017

153. A Brand New Light

Tell me if you want something,
Tell me if you need me

We are in the darkness,
in the darkness
Out of sight o o out of sight
I see
I saw
I see, i saw what i couldn't believe
In the darkness
In the darkness
I am
I am the indespicable
The indespicable

Jul 2, 2017

152. Story - Are Ghosts Real?

        Well, it’s good to believe that ghosts are real, but come on! We need to face the facts! Ghost's aren't real! There I said it. It’s the truth! And I know what you’re wondering. You are probably wondering WHAT! I do Bloody Mary with my friends every time and I see something weird.  Well, I hate to tell you but really, it’s probably your imagination or one of your friends trying to keep the myth going on and to scare you guys. And maybe next time you are there try to do it alone or with a trusted adult. And if you still do hear strange noises or see a face... It's probably your.... Imagination!!!!