Feb 2, 2017

130. Tongue Twisters - Blue buffalo

Blue buffalo brings blueberries to bingo beach

(Try to say three times fast)

129. Lunch With The Teacher

The long awaited day that I had been waiting for has begun today, guess what it was, it was lunch with my favorite teacher and my friend Senna! I was so overjoyed when the bell rang, that meant that it was time for lunch, or for me and my friend Senna, lunch with our favorite teacher, Mrs. M!!

       I was waiting in line to get my lunch when Senna came in and gave me hall pass, which is a system that our principal made in order to keep the teachers to know where the kids are. I got my lunch, which was cheese pizza with carrots and chocolate milk. I went down the hallway and arrived at the door, Senna was at the U- shaped- table with her home lunch. We were both waiting for Mrs.M and we were really excited!

       We saw Mrs.M walk in, and as we got settled in, Mrs. M started the conversation by informing us that we did really good job at the holiday dance which we participated in. She also asked us which song we were going to dance for the finale, and we said that the song that we were dancing to is “Hair Up” in TROLLS!!

       Mrs.M said that it was an awesome song and she got the song on her phone and we listened to it while we ate. I noticed that the beat of the song is really enthusiastic and lively for the conversation. After a few seconds, Senna noticed that she needed a spoon for her lunch and I realized that I needed a straw for my chocolate milk!!
    We hurried into the lunch room and we grabbed the things we need for our lunch and went back to the classroom. When we were back, Mrs. M also asked us what we had planned over the weekend and I told her that I had swimming and basketball planned for Saturday.

     After we finished our lunch, we disposed them in the trash and Mrs.M told us that we could empty our drinks in the sink and wash it up. Once Senna and I were done, we grabbed our coats and we hurried out the back door after saying good- bye to Mrs. M and went along to play with our friends. This was really a special event and unforgettable.

NOTE: Names have been changed to protect privacy.

 - Harini, Grade IV

Feb 1, 2017

128. Flowers in garden

Flowers in garden
invites bees and insects 
for fragrance and honey

127. Pleasant / Angry

joyful, gleeful
playing, kidding, pranking
Make lots of friends, Tears them apart
glaring, hatred, pushing
mimicking, bossy

126. Cliff Hanging School Bus

By H A R I N I
We were all excited to go on a field trip to Vermont, so we can see the fall colors change. We packed with excitement and we were all talking about how the fall colors would look like, when the school bus driver called out, we’re here!! When, SLIP!!

In school, we were all doing our morning work when our teacher told us to go outside because our school bus had arrived. We all went outside, got on the bus and got ready to see the fall colors change. I sat next to my friend, Sydney and we talked about the amazing fall colors!

I was just about to say something, when the school bus driver called out, we’re here! The bus driver began circling the area and was turning back the bus, when SLIP! The bus had slipped into a cliff!! Everyone on the bus had raced to the front when the bus tilted towards the edge of the cliff!! We quickly hurried back and thought of a plan.

Me and Sydney thought of a great idea and we had one, since there were only 24 people in the bus, including the driver, Ms. Racer and our teacher, Mrs. Providence. We would all come to one side of the bus (preferably the side which in on the ground) and we would jump out through the emergency exit window. Then, the students remaining, would safely get out of the school bus and jump on the ground. We tried our plan in action and hooray!! It worked, we all hugged each other and CRASH!!

                          Cliff Hanging School Bus.jpeg

That sound, was the bus; it had crashed into the valley below, we decided that we would stop our field trip early and go back to school, when AAAHHH! We all realized that we left out our class pet Mr. Quibble, the hamster in the bus. We felt very sad and few students started to cry. We all looked around for him, when I shouted, I see Mr. Quibble, he’s on that rock! I climbed on the rock and fetched our class pet and we all rejoiced happily.

by Harini, Grade IV