Feb 5, 2016

70. Shining bright

The sun is shining bright,
Like the star tonight,
Gotta believe,
Gotta believe,
I believe in this magical place,
So beautiful, so beautiful,
The sun is shining bright

Feb 4, 2016

69. Good deeds, I would like to share

By Harini, Grade III
     One good deed is being helpful and thankful for all that you got. The other is, read to an elderly person or a young student. Always be kind to your friends, family and your teachers. Help someone if they are hurt or even bullied. If Earth Day comes up don’t just clean the earth in that day. Do it every week, better yet, every day. It might seem like a lot of work, but it isn’t a lot if you remember one rule, make less trash. 

        That might be impossible, but if the world makes lots of trash there wouldn’t be any more places for the trash that it would have to be in your house. Disgusting, you bet, but, to be honest that is going to happen if the world makes more trash, so make posters and hang them around leave a phone number so you will have volunteers to help you make the world a nice place and too many trashes can make animals extinct.

Feb 3, 2016

68. Best good deeds I do this year

      I would be attentive in class and I will respect other students and their stuff like I treat myself. I would read a persons writing or essay and tell them what to fix. I will help an injured or handicapped person carry their books or any kind of materials.

       I will ask help when appropriate and I will never interrupt the teacher or any elderly person when specking or giving directions. I shall do my very best this year and the many following years that are filled with my very best deeds.

- Harini

Feb 2, 2016

67. I was saying to my friend

I was saying to my friend
The weatherman chewing on
Peppermint, we spotted an
Airplane that afternoon

Butterflies swirling around it
I got into the weatherproof car
Going to my grandfather’s birthday

I made a homemade thunderstorm cake
Put on the tablecloth after doing your homework,
Everything is going well

Unless your butterfingers,
Drop something, at the bed, I sometimes wonder

if anyone stopped the foreclosure.

- Harini

Feb 1, 2016

66. Letter to Grandpa

Dear Grandpa,

         Over summer vacation, I went to California. First, we boarded in New York and landed in Phoenix, Arizona. Then we boarded another plane to Los Angeles, CA

         In the plane the FOOD, in my opinion was a little dry and the drinks were very COOL. My FOOT ached when it would touch the ground.

        My MOOD was BLOOMING like a JEWEL. On the front seat I saw a pooch with a WATER PROOF coat. Suddenly the POOCH was LOOSE until AFTERNOON.

       The whole ride was SMOOTH, not even CROOKED. My TOOTH was loose, I couldn’t even CHEW an apple because I have to be careful.

   When we nearly landed I saw a goat with HOOVES, I quickly UNDERSTOOD that we rode past a farm. As I got out the wind BLEW across me as I settled in.

Loving Granddaughter,