May 23, 2017

145. My First String Concert Ensemble

Yay!! I just came home from school and I must go to Cranston High School West because in music class, I practiced some songs along with my friends, and I could finally perform it! I put on my favorite dress and I arrived at the school 20 minutes later!!

I went into the room reserved for strings when I saw all my best friends!! I decided to tune my instrument and went on stage and got in my chair and began practicing! I was practicing the 6th song (Cannon in D) when my friend Megan came!! we said hi to each other, and we began practicing right away!!

We quieted down when we both saw Mrs. Burbay, our string teacher walked on the stage. She said that we were going to play Hot Cross Buns!! We played it and the audience was really impressed because we sounded good and loud! We continued this for 6 more songs which was

Hot Cross Buns (traditional),
Ode to Joy (Ludwig van Beethoven),
Frere Jacques (French Folk Song),
Bile ‘Em Cabbage Down (American Fiddle Tune),
Lightly Row (traditional)
Cannon in D (adaptation)

When we finally got through all the songs, we got down from the stage and we had to go to the strings room where we pack up. I saw my mom on my way out and we stayed for the bands to play. Mr. Mazza (band teacher) said that the strings have 89 students and the band has 72 students!!

When we were all seated, the band played 7 songs which were all amazing!! The flute, trumpets and other instruments were all going together very well!! The song that I liked most was Rolling Along!! When the band finished, I said hi to most of my friends and me and my family went home and had a celebration with red velvet cake and donuts at our favorite bakery!!
- By Harini, Grade IV
My First String Concert Ensemble

May 14, 2017

142. Poem - Happy Mothers Day

Image result for best mom ever banner

Image result for flowers
Mom, you’re are the best

Even when I am such a pest

Mom you take care of me when
I am One, Two and even Ten

You have been my mom for years
You are there when I’am in tears

I used to be such a kid,
never told you that you’re the best, that I hid

You help me on the tests
Again you are the best

Image result for blue flowers in a vaseIt’s your day I say Happy Mother’s Day!!

Image result for best mom ever banner

May 9, 2017

141. Poem - Ode To My Teacher

Miss the school when it’s holiday
because you make the class so fun!!
I run to school every day
because you make learning full of fun!!!
Summer starts, and I am sad,
because, I have to leave the class
for summer vacation,

You are
inspirational to everyone!!
number one is Mrs. Finelli,
oh wait! That’s YOU!!

You Encourage us when we need help!!
You Make us laugh and smile!
Listen to these words,

I am happy to be in your class
and I have all the luck… YAY!!
