Mar 25, 2018

250. Girl Scout Camp at Camp Hoffman

            Camp Hoffman, a girl scout camp in South Kingston, is very fun and enjoyable. I got ready, put together some supplies, got in the car, and got ready to have some fun.

        We’re here!! I jumped out of the car and saw Mrs. Amanda, our troop leader walk by. She said that we were making benches today and that we were going to have tacos in a bag for lunch!! I followed her on a path and I saw my friends gathered around a campfire. I took my stuff to our tent and went outside and saw that we were lining up to do Pledge of Allegiance, Promise and Law.

       The promise is: On my honor I will try, to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl scout law. The law is: I will do my best to be, honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority,  use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

        After we finished, we went to the tarp where our instructions were. I picked it up and began reading. There were a bunch of supplies laid on the grass and me and my team picked up the pieces we needed. We need: 2 72” boards for the base. 3 10” boards for the sides and top. 2 13” board for the bottom.

Three 10” boards and 1 13” board make one box, so we made another one to place on the other side. Later, we placed the boxes on the sides of the base and we put a 10” board in the middle of the base. We later used wooden planks as support and laid it on the 10” plank and one of the boxes. We used a power drill to secure the screws.

        In the middle of our work, Mrs. Amanda gave us trail mix to snack on. After a little break, we went right back to work. Luckily, we still had lunch, so we went to our tables and we made tacos in a bag. To make Tacos in a bag, you will need a bag of Doritos. Crush the Doritos in small pieces and add lettuce, tomatoes and beef. We can also add other condiments like sour cream, salsa and cheese. You mix it up and voila!! Taco in a bag.

After out lunch, we have a little play time and we go back to finish our boards. We’ve already made 3-4 benches and we needed to make one more. We gathered up all our supplies and we went through the same process. We worked together as a team and we finally finished!!

We got together to play a game and Mrs. Amanda sent me and a friend to get our stuff because we were only there for the day. We said bye and I walked through the woods to my parents. We drove home and I had a peaceful sleep.  

Mar 24, 2018

249. Spring Recess 2018

       During my Spring Recess, I went lots of different places and I had tons of fun!! I went to Girl scout camp, participated in a marathon kids relay, saw movies, went to track and field, and worked on my blog!! I can’t wait to share my exciting experiences.

Boston 2018 Marathon

In the Boston 2018 Marathon, the relay races were a blast!! We lined up in single file and handed a baton to each person. Our team came second, but we had a lot of fun during this amazing race. After we finished, we got to have some refreshments and we got to watch other members of our team participate.


 National Treasure is a thrilling movie, where Ben Gates steals the Declaration of Independence to find a treasure that has been lost for centuries. The second movie, The Book of Secrets is where Ben kidnaps the president, John Kennedy!! Not much is different from this movie, but things get exciting when Thomas Gates, Ben’s great-grandfather might have been involved in the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.

Track and field @ CLCF

 Track and field might be tiring, but it sure is fun!! During my practice, we got to do long jump, and jump on high boxes. Our coaches always encourage us, for example when a box was almost taller than me and I didn’t even try to jump on top, my coach motivated me and I finally jumped on it!! Track and Field is always amazing and I know other people enjoy it too.

 Girl Scout Camp - @ Camp Hoffman, Kingston RI

 In Camp Hoffman, Girl Scout camp is lively. Every day is a new challenge and you and your troop should work together. On April 21, my cabin worked hard to make benches. We used wooden planks and power tools. And don’t forget teamwork!! We used the materials as best as we could and when we ran into a trouble spot, we tried different solutions and if needed, we asked for help. The leaders then came over and gave us some useful tips!!

Blog- articles and artwork

 I worked on my blog by putting in some drawings and juicy stories and experiences about different places like this story!! I also post some amazing pictures to look at. Working on my blog is repetitive, but it turns out extraordinary at the end!!

 In conclusion, my Spring recess was loads of fun and I hope we get more breaks, but we all have to go back to school sooner or later, and school is also fun in its own way. You get to see your friends, play outside, do exciting projects and you get to learn amazing things!! Spring Recess is fun, but school is also fun if you look at it in a different perspective.

Mar 21, 2018

246. Planet Idioms

On the first day of school, on Friday, right before the bell rings, my teacher gives us a writing assignment.
She says, “Okay kids, don’t forget to research about idioms and their meaning!!” I sighed, loudly, and began to wonder what an idiom is. I must have had a strange look on my face because the teacher calls up my name. Great! All I need is everyone’s attention on me, the new kid.
I trudge all the way up to Mrs. Perfin, and she asks me why I have a strange look on my face.
I said, “I have no idea what an idiom is.” She told me there’s no need to be sad, but, I can tell by the look on her face that she’s disappointed.
She said, “An idiom is a sentence or phrase that is figurative. For example, what does step on a crack, break your mother's back, mean?”
I told her that if you step on a crack, your mother breaks her back. She shook her head and told me to research it and to tell her on Monday!! I roll my eyes and stomp my feet on the floor. On my way back, I notice my friend, Derk Robinson and he grins at me. I smile back and tell him that I’m coming to the party on Saturday. I’ll do the assignment on Sunday.


I throw my backpack on the floor and flop on my bed to play video games. I have this new one, Sea of Thieves, that I’m dying to try out!! I keep playing until half past 10, and I finally shut off my TV. I turn off the lamp and go to sleep. Letting my dreams fly around with imagination.


            Groan. I get out of my bed half asleep, half awake and walk like a zombie to the bathroom when I spot my calendar!! 9:20 DERK’S B’ DAY PARTY!! MUST ATTEND.
I glance at the clock, 8:47, I open my eyes in shock and throw on some jeans and a T-shirt. 9:07. I grab my bike, and rush out the door as if the ice-cream truck arrived.
I turn up to the party 5 minutes late and I spot my friend Derk is hanging out near the TV. I run over to him and he asks me a question. “Hey, did you do your homework” I laugh hoping this is a joke, but it isn’t. I say no and he says that he already did it, and that really bothered me. Not what he said, but the way he said it. He said, “Hey, did you do your homework, (I said no) Well, I already did my homework ages ago.” I glare at him and push everyone and go out the door. If there’s one thing I can’t stand its exaggeration and now, Derk.
I head home and I open my computer and google in, what does “step on a crack, break your mother's back”, mean? I read: Step on a crack, break your mother's back means that bad luck comes to anyone who steps on a crack. Aa ha! I knew it! I was correct!! I click on a website to investigate even more when my computer freezes!! I yell in frustration and go outside for some fresh air, when whoa!! I’m that what I think it is? Okay, there's a sign that says Planet Idioms!! Like, who, what, how, I… I don’t even know. I walk outside and I see a sentence. “Beat around the bush.” I see a bush nearby, so I grab a stick and start hitting it all the way around. I drop the stick and am about to walk away when I see an X on my arm!!
I decide to worry about it later, and I see another sentence, “Bite off more than you can chew.” I have no idea where I’m supposed to get a sandwich, and I realize that I have one in my house!! I quickly go back and get it and bit a humongous piece of the sandwich, which was way too big for me to chew. I quickly finish my sandwich, only to see another X on my arm!! I am beginning to worry. What if I have a disease, The X-teria, (like bacteria but more fatal)!! I run around screaming, like a chicken, (no offense chickens), when I see a big sign, RULES FOR PLANET IDIOMS. I quickly realize that I am playing a game, and idiom game and I only have three chances!! I quickly worry, but then I understand that I only have one more chance. What happens if I use all three?
I guess that whenever I see a sentence, I mean idiom, I should use it in a figurative way, like for, beat around the bush, I should not talk in a roundabout way, and in bite off more that you can chew, I should take tasks that are hard for me.
I try to spot any more sentences when I come across one, can’t judge a book by its cover. Hmm. I wonder what this one is. I decide that it means to take a book and its cover to a judge. I see no judge, but I do see a court!! I go inside and place the book on the judge’s desk. I close my eyes and hope to return home, and when I open my eyes I see… another X!! I go back to my house and cry helplessly, when I hear a knock at my door. Maybe it's the judge coming to take me away, or maybe the bush, or the sandwich. I hope for the best and I see my mom!!
I shout out “Mom, what are you doing here!?” She looked at me surprised and said “Well, I heard you crying Bensen, so I came to check up on you.”
I smiled and told her it was nothing, and I also asked her if “can’t judge a book by its cover”, means to take the book to a judge.
She said, “You can’t judge a thing or a person by its outward appearance.” I spent the rest of my day wondering whether it really happened or if it was a dream.