Jul 8, 2018

288. Volcano Disaster!!

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Emily, Harini, Isabella





The Story-----------------------------------6

The End-------------------------------------7

Hi! My name is Emily. I am 10 years old. I live on 10 Tee-Oak Cr. It is a nice house, I love it. Anyway, my best friends are Harini and Isabella. Their really the best friends I’ve ever made. We all go to the same school. Now, here’s Harini!!!

Hi!! My name is Harini.I go to Tee-Oak Elementary school. I have tons of friends, but, Emily and Isabella are the only two who wrote this book along with me. My favorite color is blue and I am a good artist (I designed the front cover!!). I also love reading books, doing math, science and social studies, so, we can just say that I love school!!! Now, let’s cut out the chitter chatter, and here comes the (drumroll please) story!( After Isabella)
P.S. Here is a picture of a cute puppy
PP.S. I love puppies!!!

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This is a picture of a really cute puppy.

Hi! My name is Isabella. I’m 10 years old! I love to cheer, dance and I also love hanging out with my friends, Harini and Emily! I go to Tee-Oak Elementary school. It’s a very nice school. I am in 5th grade and Mrs. Mount is my teacher! By the way, I love candy. Now that’s all about me!!! Also, if you want to hear about the story turn one more page, after looking at this really cute picture!!!

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Hi!! My name is Crystal Fire, and I just booked a ticket to Hawaii!! All I have to do is call my friends, and pack my bags, but, I already called my friends, so now, all I have to do is pack!!!
Toothbrush, Check! Clothes, Check! Flashlight in case power goes off, Check!! Hazard suits in case of harmful gases, Check!! Phone, Check!! Other stuff, Check!! Ok!! I have everything ready!! Wait a minute, it's already 8:48 A.M.!! I have to go and meet my friends!!

Where is Crystal!! I have been waiting for 1 minute 28 seconds and 57 milliseconds, but, who's counting!! Oh thank goodness!! There she is!! Wait a minute, why is she holding a pamphlet that says: WELCOME TO HAWAII.  Oh my gosh!! I just figured it out!! We the three friends, are going to Hawaii!! I wait for Crystal to come and talk to me but, before she can, Annie comes!!

Annie Kendrick
OH MY GOODNESS!! Crystal just told me that we are going to Hawaii!! She said that we need to go to the airport at 9:48 A.M. and it’s already 9:24 A.M.!!! I grabbed them both, called a taxi and got them to the airport in less that 5 minutes!! We got on our airplane and the ride there was fantastic!! There was amazing food, but I wonder how Crystal feels about this...

Eww! This is so gross!! I am really excited to go to Hawaii, but, this is atrocious!! First of all, I hate airplane food!! It makes me want up-chuck!! Second, the air hostess told me that I had to put my phone away!! I grabbed an empty bag, and I just, I can't tell you what happened next but I actually threw _ _!!

I feel bad for Crystal because she just threw-up!! I gave her some medicine that I packed and I settled down to sleep when I heard the intercom say, that we arrived at Hawaii!! I couldn’t believe it!! I guess I was dreaming because Crystal came over and told me to wake up!! I woke up and then I finally got down to read my book!!

I just noticed that Ramona, was getting comfy, so I was going to sleep, when the intercom said, that we had arrived at Hawaii!! I was not surprised because we were currently living in California!! Anyway, we all got off the plane and we were amazed at the spectacular sights!!

It was amazing!! There was a hula skirt, beautiful flowers and we saw a hotel!!! It was called THE FOUR SEASONS RESORT MAUI!! We checked to see how much it cost, and it was $919. I told my friends that I would pay, but, we ended up by splitting the money and all paying!! We went to our rooms and it was amazing!! I picked a room that had a mirror behind the white bed with a canopy design!! I had bought a camera in the gift shop so I took a picture of my room and this is how it looked:
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I was so amazed, and so I went to check out my friend’s bed and this is what I saw:
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I have to say that I was glad that I was not the last one to pick out my room!! I went into my room and unpacked!!

My room is disgusting!! I mean like it's still good but, I don't like it!! Anyway, I tried to be positive, and so I was beginning to clean when…

Bang!!Crash!! Sizzle!!I went to Ramona’s room and I was about to ask her about the mysterious sound, when Crystal came into my room! She was covered in dirt and she was holding a shovel!! I was about to ask her what happened when…

Ok, so, Annie was about to ask me something when I said that I was sorry for all of the racket I was making and Ramona asked me what what I was doing that was making such a loud noise!! I told them both that I was planting something near the hotel. Annie asked me if I could plant near the hotel, and I told her that I asked the hotel manager, and the hotel manager said that it was fine. So, we all went back to our work but what we didn't know was that we would soon be on an incredible adventure….