2018 - 1663
South Carolina - Civil War
1. Betty Sawyer - Main Character - Age 14
2. Janet Sawyer - Mom - Age 40+
3. Bill Sawyer - Dad - Age 45+
6. Lou Jones - Slave sister - Age 8
( 4-6 Scenes)
Scene 1
(Betty wakes up. It’s her birthday)
Betty: (excited, stretches arms) Yay!! Today’s my birthday. I can't wait for the gifts, the birthday cards and the gifts. Wait.. did I already say gifts? Anyway, I CAN'T WAIT!!
(Janet enters)
Janet: Betty, calm down. It’s only your birthday.
Betty: Only my birthday!? It’s the day I was born, and do you know when grandma’s coming over?
Janet: Well..I guess I did know. Anyway, let's get balloons, gifts, cake...
Betty: Sheesh Mom. No need to get all crazy pants over this. It only my birthday.
Janet: (Annoyed) Here we go again…
Betty: Yay!! I love Grandma Jane. She sometimes has some crazy presents, but that's grandma.
Scene 2
(Betty goes downstairs, gets present from Grandma)
Grandma Jane: Betty!! I have a present for you. It’s in my bag..here let me get it for you.
Betty: Gee, thanks Grandma!! You didn’t have to get me a...book?! Ummm..Grandma?
Grandma Jane: Yes, dear?
Betty: You got me a book for my birthday!
Grandma Jane: I sure did, dear. It’s about the Civil War and Slavery. Don’t you like my gift?
Betty (clenching her teeth): I. Love. It. Its. The. Best. Book. In. The. World?
Grandma Jane: I just knew she’d like it. The nice lady at the store said it was perfect for 14-year-olds. I know it was a bit costly, but anything for my dear.
Janet: Uhh.. Mom? How much was it exactly, because the last time you said a watch was “a bit costly,” it was $90!! And that was on sale.
Janet: $140!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Is this book made of gold?
Betty: Mom!! Grandma! Calm down. It’s my birthday, and let’s be calm.
Janet: She’s right. For now, I’ll try to forget about the cost.
Grandma Jane: Fine.. But you started it!!
Janet: Here we go, again…
Bill: Alright guys!! Calm down. Betty, put the book your grandma gave you, in your room.
Betty: Okay..
Scene 3
(Betty goes to put the book in her bedroom) (To be continued...)