Jun 30, 2019

360. A Visit to the Amazon Fulfillment Center, Fall River, MA

My family and I went to 1180 Innovation Way, Fall River, MA 02720 to visit the Amazon fulfillment center. The visit was very fun! And at the end of the tour, we got metal water bottles from Amazon as a gift. But, let me tell you the entire exciting adventure from the beginning.

We came to know about this tour through Facebook sponsored ads and enrolled for the tour for free of cost. However, there were some rules that needed to be followed.

Please bring ID
Children under 6 are NOT permitted
Tour cancellations
Arrive early
Personal Belongings
Photography is not permitted
No food or drink
Please stay with your tour leader

 We got there around 9:15 but the actual tour started at 10:00 A.M., so we went inside to wait. We took a seat in the front row and we were handed a neon yellow safety vest to make sure that the people operating the big machines would see us from a distance. We also had these headphones connected to a volume box so that we could hear our tour guide, George, over the loud machines. On the walls, there was some cool information about the steps to delivering a package to your doorstep:

Receiver and Picker

At 10:00, George stated the tours and explained to us through the rules and the process we need to follow. We later started the tours and he said that we would only be walking on the green path because the trucks would go on the yellow paths. He said that the building was 1.4 million sq. ft. This would be about the length of twenty-four football stadiums. We continue to cross and so many machines after a while we went up to the 2nd floor and why we are climbing the stairs she said that we had to do the Three-Point Rule.

The Three-Point Rule is that there must be three points touching the stairs always. Two feet and one arm. We could see one of the machine's liftings to grab a box that was all the top. Every stop being left we also saw the machine sway a little to the left and right. He explained that the jobs are chosen randomly so someone got a picker, which is a person who operates the computerized guided vehicle, and they were afraid of heights they would just be assigned to a different job.

They would also place the items at random because they say it would be easier and take less time to find what they were looking for. For example, if they were looking for a fishing pole they would enter on their little device like a GPS machine and it would show them the shortest possible distance to find it, but if they couldn't find the fishing pole there, it would just be reported as missing and would move on to the next possible route. The Inventory Quality Checkers would then come in to see if it was really missing and if it was they would try to locate it. George also said that they’ve never lost a single item although they have misplaced thousands.

The most important task in between inbound and outbound is S.L.A.M which stands for:


This makes sure that all the packages have the right addresses on them so that they could be sorted. First, the boxes are sent down a ramp and are scanned for a barcode. Then, it is labeled with the right addresses. Next, it is analyzed into groups, and finally, manifest.

After that stage, all the boxes would get sorted. This was my favorite part because a worm-like line would push the boxes automatically. It was mesmerizing!

Finally, we all got amazon tour water bottles and the kids got photo cubes with pictures of some of the workers and the machines. I really like the amazon FCTour (Fulfillment Center Tour) because it was very educational and entertaining!

Jun 21, 2019

359. Popular Wicked Musical

Music: Ms. Norton | Voice: Harini

358. Beatles Medley

Music: Ms. Norton | Voice: Harini

357. Too Deep to Go Back

I stray away from the given path, not knowing what I may encounter
The leaves crush and crinkle with every step, is this the right path?
I roam on, deeper and deeper, losing sight of sunlight
Too deep to go back, must continue until shown a clear path

I stumble and mumble, what have I done?
Is this the right choice? Is this the right one?
I see others footprints before mine, I am not the only one
Feeling braver, run to the tree I see before me

Oh My! Oh My! Is what I see, a cherry tree?
They bring you luck and luck is what I need
I sit down and wonder of my wish
A clear path, I quickly see

But vanishes just as quickly, and am left at the tree
I walk and walk, growing tired, the moonlight is such a sight
I look back down to my current state, when 
I remember what a friend once said

“You can get out of it, but you have to face it first.”
I know for certain, I know for sure
That to get out, I have gone on until the wilderness is gone
I walk and walk, for days to days, when

Finally, a path I see! It’s as clear as a path can be!
I emerge from the deep, dark woods 
Wondering what will come next
But, I'm not worried, for I know to keep pushing on

And the long-awaited future that I have built
Will soon remain for me to wander upon.

356. Facing the Dust Bowl

The air was thick with dirt, and it was hard to see anything. My mouth felt gritty and my throat was clogged with dust. I was in the middle of a dust storm. I squinted my eyes to look at Paw, and his face went as pale as a bleached white shirt. He looked over at me with fear in his eyes. He said to get back in the house and to go into the basement. The basement? Why? But, I did as I was told, and I hid there with Maw, Paw and my little sister for a couple of hours. Suddenly, there was no noise. Paw went outside to look, and the dust bowl had ended, but later that week, we faced a drought so dry, that we had to limit our water supply to only a cup a day for the whole family.  But, we couldn’t take it anymore. We were planning to move to California.

We had no choice. My little sister, Mary was very sick and we needed to get medicine. That evening, we left for California. We thought that the long journey would be worth it, but we were wrong. They treated us unfairly and talked to us like we were scums. That night, I heard Maw and Paw talking again. I knew it would be wrong to listen to it, but my curiosity got the better of me and I listened. Tears flooded my eyes, and my mind was screaming with pain. How could they? They were planning to leave my sister and me behind. We were going to split up.
They talked about how there were benefits, but I disagreed. I walked right in and told them how it was unfair and unjust. Fortunately, they said that they agreed and that they would never talk about it again. Thankfully, this was the right decision, as Mary wasn’t getting any better. We still needed money, but the people criticized us for stealing their jobs and for increasing the health and sanitation budget. So, before it was too late, I decided to go to school.
The school wasn’t too bad, but when I entered, the girls with their pristine dresses and the boys with their tucked-in shirts made faces at me and threw pieces of paper, and whatever they could get their hands on. But, I took a deep breath and remembered that if I went through with this, I would be able to help a family and get money from my sister. I sulked over to an empty desk, but before I could sit down a teacher told me to sit on the floor.
“Why?” I exclaimed in surprise. “Why should I not have the same privileges as the others? It is because I’m an Okie?”
“Yes. What is your name child?”
“Becky. My name’s Becky.”
I sat on the cold, hard ground. It was as dirty as a piece of toast that was soaked in butter and was dropped on a hotel floor, that had not been cleaned for years.  It was matted with dirt and stray hairs. For the rest of the class, I paid no attention. Instead, I paid attention to the spider that was creeping closer to me with every passing second. This went on for days until I met Evelyn. She was 76 years old and didn’t have a care in the world. One day, she came to visit me when I was in school. She saw me sitting on the ground doing nothing, while the other children were doing the math.
Appalled, she went over to the teacher and they began to talk in hushed, angry whispers. I don’t know what they were saying, but the next day, before I could go to school, Evelyn stopped me. She said that I wasn’t going to school anymore, and the same as the others. By that evening, I had learned more in 2 hours, than I could in the entire school day. This continued on for a while, and me and the other Okies bonded well with Evelyn. She was like our second mother. But life went over and did its work.
That was the last day I ever saw Evelyn. No more smiles. No more laughter. No more feeling independent. My sister was also feeling better, but something changed that day. In honor of Evelyn, people began to show sympathy and we all grew up to be strong, independent and most importantly, embrace ourselves and where we came from.

355. Old Faithful

October 6, 2017    

Old Faithful. You know, the geyser that blows up hot water every 70-75 minutes? Well, in the future, (my present), 2056 to be precise, the old geyser takes up an unexpected turn!! I, Bellatrix Cosell, daughter of Cleo Cosell and Teb Cosell, am here to tell you that Old Faithful right here in Wyoming, has become lava, and you will never guess how it came to be.

Friday 8, 2056

Dear Diary, today I saw Old Faithful!! I went forward for a closer look and I thought I saw red and orange liquid!! If I was correct, it was lava!! I told a police officer who had come to watch it too, my observations, and he said that I might have imagined it or that I might have been watching too much TV and he mumbled about how kids these days got their nose in a TV or a Video Game instead of in a book!!! I walked away and when I got home, I took you out dear diary and I am now writing this story!! Oh, I heard my mom, also, before I go, I must say that I should visit this website to see if my findings are true: WWW. FINDYOURANSWERS134.COM

Hi guys!! So, I’m going to look at the website. FINDYOURANSWERS134.COM, I found out some pretty interesting stuff!! Number one, the person who found it said that there was going to be a malfunction in the system but the others ignored it they made it a big Tourist attraction. Number two, the person who found it had some followers who found the mistake as well so they managed to sneak inside the old geyser and they fixed some issues but they couldn't make it resolved so they postponed it to the year 2020!! If you haven't been paying attention in this story, then he's a quick quiz!! The website that they postponed it to the year 2020!! As I told you before, you can see that this present, (2020) is the present for me!! Saying that, Old Faithful, blows up lava like, I don't know, NOW!!!

OMMMMMMM. OOOMMMMM. OOOMMMMMMMMM!! IT'S NOT HELPING!! If you are confused about what I am doing, I am meditating!! I read in a book that meditation calms people down, but, not me!! If you think that I’m overreacting, imagine this, you just found out that Old Faithful, which is near your home, is going to blow up lava, and you’re the only one that knows about it, and no one believes you!! Now, do you still think I'm overreacting, if you do... well... at least you're calm!!

I went over to the president, oh by the way, did I tell you that my parents work for the president? And I know what you’re thinking, why don't I tell my parents? I would, but my parents are on vacation and I am alone running the house by myself!! Anyway, I went over to the president and he told me that I would have to get proof. I said that I am not allowed to touch lava, so he said that I can capture a video and that will be enough. Discouraged, I went over to Old Faithful and sulked. As quick as lightning, a lightbulb went off in my head!! What if I placed a camera on one of the trees!! Then I wouldn't have to stand all day long!!

I quickly got to work, after 34 minutes I was done! After a few minutes, I got a video of the lava exploding!! I got the tape to the president, he got everyone to evacuate, but the volcano erupted, while we were still in the area!!

Now, I could end the story by saying that everyone died, but, you would be upset, but if I ended the story with everyone being alive, you would say that you expected it, but, if I end the story right here leaving you to wonder what happened next, you would be mad so I guess that is what I should do!! THE END!

If I did that you would be really mad, so I guess I will have to tell you what happened next!! Anyway, the president evacuated everyone but Old Faithful erupted!! Fortunately, the big eruption was small and it later went away!! The president said that he was glad I told him!

I took my writing piece to my teacher and she said that I should stick to realistic stories, but what she doesn’t know that it really happened!! I am now in France. Year 2023. I now leave this story, you should figure out this: Is this story real, Fiction or Realistic Fiction?

354. Teen Team Meeting (At the Central Library)

The Teen Team Meeting was so much fun! We ate pizza and discussed what Newbery books and award-winning books for teens to order for the library. When some people entered the room, they signed their name on the signup sheet and wrote their names on the name tags.
We could also sit anywhere we wanted, and we could chat with others while Mrs. L, the organizer, prepared the necessary things to discuss. After a couple of minutes, the pizza arrived!! Mrs. L read the names of the books and the summaries and told us to raise our hands if we thought the book was interesting. If we didn't think it would be a good book for the library, we would just put our hands down.
Then, Mrs. L  would count the number of hands raised. (If it was 10 or above she would purchase the book for our library, if it was below 10 she would not purchase it.) We discussed 10 books, but only three were chosen to be purchased for the library. The three books were, Out of the Dust, by Karen Hesse, Campfire, by Shawn Sarles, and Echo, by Pam Muñoz Ryan.
I was having so much fun that day, that the time passed and the teen team meeting was over. I was unhappy, but I knew that the next team meeting was only a couple of weeks away. I can’t wait until the next book discussion, because I know that there will be more amazing book selections. I also got the opportunity to make a lot of friends!

353. Meaningful Quotes

1. Friend = to the end

2. Integrity is when you do something good, even when no one is watching

3. Honesty is the best policy

4. Mistakes help improve

5. Kindness is something that the blind can see, and the deaf can hear

6. When you're feeling down, just remember: you’re only feeling this way because you’ve felt happiness before

7. There are shadows, where there is light!

8. If you have to be anything, be kind

9. Be yourself! Everyone is already taken.

10. Respect is not a gift; you have to earn it

11. Be who you are, not who others want you to be!

12. Keep your friends close to support you in hard times!

13. Be __________________ Not _________________________
         (YOUR NAME)                     (SOMEONE YOU WANT TO BE LIKE)

Jun 1, 2019

352. Parts of Speech

1. NOUN - names a person, place or thing, or idea 

2. PRONOUN - takes the place of a person, place, thing, or idea

3. ADJECTIVE - describes a noun or pronoun

4. VERB - expresses action or links the subject to the rest of the sentence

5. ADVERB - describes a verb, adjective, or another verb by telling how, why, when or to what extent something is done

6. CONJUNCTION - joins word, phrases, or sentences together

7. PREPOSITION - is used to form a prepositional phrase, which consists of a prepositional and a noun or preposition and a noun or pronoun. Preposition phrases show relationships between items in a sentence

8. INTERJECTION - a word or phrase that expresses emotion and is usually at the beginning of the sentence