I stray away from the given path, not knowing what I may encounter
The leaves crush and crinkle with every step, is this the right path?
I roam on, deeper and deeper, losing sight of sunlight
Too deep to go back, must continue until shown a clear path
I stumble and mumble, what have I done?
Is this the right choice? Is this the right one?
I see others footprints before mine, I am not the only one
Feeling braver, run to the tree I see before me
Oh My! Oh My! Is what I see, a cherry tree?
They bring you luck and luck is what I need
I sit down and wonder of my wish
A clear path, I quickly see
But vanishes just as quickly, and am left at the tree
I walk and walk, growing tired, the moonlight is such a sight
I look back down to my current state, when
I remember what a friend once said
“You can get out of it, but you have to face it first.”
I know for certain, I know for sure
That to get out, I have gone on until the wilderness is gone
I walk and walk, for days to days, when
Finally, a path I see! It’s as clear as a path can be!
I emerge from the deep, dark woods
Wondering what will come next
But, I'm not worried, for I know to keep pushing on
And the long-awaited future that I have built
Will soon remain for me to wander upon.